Monday 28 July 2014

Before Summer is Over.

As the days pass by, summer is fading away and soon, school will start. Before that happens I wanna recap what I've done during the last month. The highlight of the summer was of course, our vacation in Australia. I had tons of fun there and it was my first time in snow. One of the best vacations ever! I went skiing, Snowplay, snowball fights, using heat packs (LOL), and freezing my toes off. Haha. Well, if you want to know more about that, you go to the other post "My First White Winter". I also baked a lot of cookies, cupcakes, cakes, mousse, macarons (for the first time ever!) and tons of other stuff. 

My turquoise cupcakes.

My chocolate macarons.

My pancake muffin dunkers.

My multicolored cupcakes.

These desserts are just a small few. I had so much fun baking all of them! And each and every one of them were delicious! I also took up some knitting. My first project for a scarf made out of acrylic yarn failed. BUT! I managed to succeed in making a pillowcase with mole yarn. The mole yarn is super soft and fluffy!(Unfinished as the store ran out of that colour!)

Sorry, my phone camera was too blur. :/

Anyway, there's still 2-3 weeks left of summer so I will write again when school starts!

How was your summer? Was it good? Or was it great?

Love ya,

Monday 7 July 2014

My First White Winter

This summer, I'm at Australia! It's winter here in Aussie and it is my first winter ever. Funny how I spend my summer in winter. Melbourne is cold but it doesn't have snow. (Sobs) However, lucky me, Mount Buller does! And man is it beautiful. So white and cold, I love it! I already miss it! Sigh... I wish I could stay there longer. (Or possibly have that weather in Singapore. Too bad that's not possible.)

My first ever look at snow!

One thing bad about such cold is that you have to cover up a lot. Especially since I'm not used to the cold, I have to wear extra thick and it isn't very stylish if I have to say so myself. Huge snow pants, thick jackets... Not a big fan.  But, sometimes, I don't care because I just love the snow! (Although I would if I lived there... Hmm... But if I did I would get used to the cold.) I made my first ever snowman, (a mini one!) and have my first ever snowball fight! Tobogganing, skiing and so much more first times. 

My first mini snowman! Cute, right? (I didn't have a carrot so... Yeah. Had to make everything from snow. But it's still cute, right?

First attempted selfie with snowy background. Now that I think about it, I don't have a selfie in the snow! Noooo, I totally forgot about it! *goes into the corner and sobs*

Outside the balcony, the table was covered in snow. So I made a smiley face. Hehe.

The highlight of the trip was the skiing though. It was extremely tiring but it was totally worth it. I fell tons of times the first time I tried to ski down a beginner hill. Haha. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hard. Pretty simple for the basics. I didn't learn much except for the basics since the prices were SO HIGH. And since we probably weren't going to ski anytime soon so it wasn't really worth it. I don't have many pictures of skiing since my mind was fully occupied on not falling. Actually, I only have one picture. Which is Belle wearing the bib. (Level bib, it's to let the instructor know that you're in the group) We were put in the very first group (of course) since we never skied before.

Above are the two clearest pictures I have during our ski activity. Since we took the morning session, we had our lunch included. I had quiche with fries. Super delish! I'm gonna find out how to make it. Hehehe. This photo was during lunch. And yes, we were the white koalas. 

Next up, snow play and tobogganing! There was a snow play and toboggan park at Mount Buller and we had TONS fun. We already bought a toboggan but one wasn't enough so we rented another.   Belle and I went tobogganing for a few hours (yes, few hours!) and we went downhill lots and lots of times. We also had a snowball fight! I filled my toboggan with snowballs and asked her to do the same but she didn't so she got bombarded with snowballs. Muahahahahaha. 
Here's a picture of my snowballs:

And here's a picture of the Snowplay and Toboggan Park:

Well, that pretty much sums up my first experience with snow. Although I will posts more pictures if I can find some. 

So how was your summer? Did you spend it in winter like me or did you bask in the heat?


PS. This post was supposed to be posted a long time ago but it failed and u didn't realize 'till now.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

School's Out! Scream and Shout!

Finally summer's here, good to be chillin' out. I'm off the clock, the pressure's out, now vacation's what it's all about.

Summer is finally here! And I'm singiiiinnnn'! Ever since summer started, High School Musical's song, "What time is it?" has been ringing in my head! It seems like yesterday I just registered into school and now it's vacation! And my FIRST TIME in SNOW! OMG, I can't wait! Spending summer in winter?! Haha! That's awesome!!! What's bad about it though, is that I don't have winter stuff!!! No shoes, no hat, no pants and no shirts. Well, I guess that's what happens when you live your whole life in the summer. I only have shorts, thin shirts, thin jackets, slippers, tank tops and all those summer stuff. In the end, we have to go buy our stuff there. But urghhh, I just can't write how excited I am!!! There will definitely be posts about this.

Now, I'll stop raving about snow and talk about school! Hehehe...

God, time passes so fast. And like I said before, it really did seem like just yesterday school started. And in a year, I'm gonna be in High School. What! I still think I'm 12! It's absolutely crazy! Even though summer's here, I am excited for the start of school! 

So, what about you? Are you excited for summer? Or are you waiting for the new school semester? If not, what're you waiting for?


Father's Day Gift

So I know it's a little late for a Father's Day post but... better late than never, right?

I missed Father's Day 'cause me daddy was away BUT during that time I had a bit of time to make my pressie! (And practice it.) It took a while but it was absolutely worth it! Not only did he love it, everyone else did too! 

Well, I'm sure you guys wanna know what it was, right? I'll tell you guys then! It was a...


Okay, I know it looks really crappy but it was my first time making a cake! Plus, it wasn't really a cake recipe... It was a cupcake recipe. Maybe that's why it turned out in a weird shape... Also, I didn't have a proper plate to put my cake on so I had to improvise.

Anyway, even though it looks crappy, it was SO GOOD. Hands down, one of the best tasting stuff I ever made. (Even if I didn't make a ton of stuff...)

Chocolate cupcake base, vanilla frosting, chocolate mousse filling and chocolate macaron decoration! It was my first time making the mousse and macaron. The macaron were really hard to make and I couldn't get that perfect "feet" but it still tasted great!

Do you guys wanna know where to find all these recipes? Below, I'll write a link for all the recipes I used!

Chocolate Cupcake -

Vanilla Frosting (Classic American Buttercream, first listed one in link below) -

Chocolate Mousse (Mousse recipe in link below, chocolate cake in link below was not used) -

Chocolate Macaron -

Hope you guys enjoy the desserts you're about to make!

Signing off,

Saturday 21 June 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Finally! I was able to watch this movie. This is officially the best movie I have watched so far in my life. I was so glad that I was able to watch it so fast. (Not waiting for the cd) Now I'm really just happy.

End of School Year!!

Almost the end of school year! Once the next week is over time for holiday. Then after the holidays it is time for school. The only thing I am scared of is Grade 7. It's because once I'm in Grade 7 I will be in MYP instead of PYP. Other than that I am just excited for the new year. 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

My stickers

Stickers!! Everybody loves stickers. I bought these stickers from the amazing Ikea. Soon I am going to put them up on my wall beside my bed. The sticker's theme is suppose to be a battle between light couloirs robots and dark colour robots. Can't wait to put them on!!
