Monday, 23 July 2012

Updates...'s been sometime since any of us last blogged. The last post was me announcing our lil boy. He's growing well inside mummy's belly. He's a real kicker lately and enjoys kicking at ny bladder. Wonder if he thinks it's a trampoline. Hehe.

Niways the last scan we couldn't get his face on the 4d scan just because he refuse to face us and keep his back to us all the time. Both Bella and Belle thinks that their baby brother is just shy. LoL. What do you guys think? Is shy the word to describe my lil boy?

These few months we've been to Sabah for a relative's wedding, to KL for a friend's wedding and also back to Penang during school break. Nothing much but just a lil bit worn out from the travelling...especially when my lil darling boy is busy exercising inside most if the time.

I guess that about all that's been going on in our lives for the past few months. I really hope the time really fly by fast cause we cant wait to see our darling boy!!!

Below are some of the pictures that I took.

To the Land Below The Wind!!

For our lil darling boy. Cute eh?

KL Trip detour to Malacca. Chicken rice ball. Yums!

Our sweet indulgence at Haagen Daaz. Chocolate fondue.  ;P

Singapore Flyer. We finally made it up there after so long.

Hope everyone's day is filled with joy and happiness and rainbows and sweetness!


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