Niway...just to keep you guys informed, each one of us will post 1 blog entry each week. So keep a lookout on what we have to say ya.
We will definitely try to make it as interesting as possible ok👌?
This year...we celebrated Mother's Day in KL with my cousins and auntie. 💃💃💃
I love gatherings like this cause it simply means more gossips! 😁😁😁 I got an Acer tablet as my present this year to replace my laptop so I can watch my series. (Thoughtful of them ha...of course me here have to remind and hint non stop before they [actually hubs paid for it la of course] can get me one). 😒
Mother's Day in KL.
Photo taken in KL.
I'm gonna spam some photos (mostly on Dom cause both Bella & Belle are into selfie now 😓) since I haven't blogged for soooo long. Beware! Photo spamming starts from here!
Bella gave Dom a kiss.
Handsome Dom in Melbourne.
Dom posing with a car in Melbourne.
Little rockstar in the making.
Selfie with my little man.
Another selfie with my little man.
My kids all squatting in a mall. 😓
Dom's sexy pose.
His new tricycle.
Elmo beanie.
Ok...enough before someone starts a fan page of my boy here. 😂😂😂